Wall Art - Hanbury Street - off Brick lane

12 pictures of Street Art Around the Brick Lane Area – Eastern Side of City of London

This second post on street art, focuses on Brick Lane which is on the eastern side of the city of London.

Brick Lane is just off Spitafield Market and is a great place to visit especially for:-

  • Shopping – especially vintage clothing ,
  • Eating – curry centres of London
  • Art – especially shop front street art

Its the sort of place you can go any time of day, and is especially good for street photography and street art. It is also continually changing so a repeat visit will often provide you with new things to photograph.

Finding out about the art that you see in Brick Lane can be difficult because it is constantly changing  and not publicised much. However sites such as Street Art London  (http://streetartlondon.co.uk) is a good source to keep up to date with the latest art and they have a good ‘app’ which will keep you abreast of all that is going on with this art form.

About Brick Lane

Brick Lane was called Whitechapel Lane but changed its name to Brick Lane when a brick and tile manufacture set up there in the 15th century. It has been the home of refugees and immigrants for hundreds of years starting  with Huguenot in the 17th century. They were followed by Irish, Jews and the Bangladeshis. The area has therefore been known for weaving, tailoring and the clothing industry for many years.

Brewing has also been an important industry and it was Benjamin Truman who went  on to set up the  Black Eagle Brewery on Brick Lane.

There has also been a market on the site since the 17th century, and the area has often been associated with Sunday trading since the Jewish community was given a  special dispensation to trade on a Sunday due to religious. reasons.

Map Brick Lane Strret art
Map Brick Lane Strret art

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